Download Ebook Time in Organizational Research (Routledge Studies in Management Organizations and Society)
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Book Details :
Published on: 2008-10-15
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Original language: English
Today there is widespread awareness of the fact that time has been under-investigated in organizational studies. This book addresses the need to bridge the gap between the predominantly "timeless" theories and models that scholars have produced and the daily experiences of employees and managers, in which time is salient and extremely important. These chapters offer a broad range of concepts, models, and methods that are tailored to this purpose. The first part of the book is devoted to the way in which people in organizations manage time, summarizing research findings, presenting novel ideas on a broad range of issues and examining issues such as whether time can be managed, how people are affected by deadlines and how do strategic changes in organizations affect individuals’ careers and sense of identity. The second part is about time as embedded in collective behaviours and experiences, and in temporal regimes linked to organizational structures. It discusses ways to study such collective patterns and their relationships to management practices, and addresses topics such as sensemaking of dynamic events, rhythmic patterns and their impact on organizational effectiveness, time in industrial relations, and power and temporal hegemony. A third part with a single concluding chapter looks at possibilities for integrating the various approaches and provides suggestions for future research. This book adopts a pluralistic approach, arguing against timeless conceptions in organizational theory and behaviour and instead emphasising the importance of temporal analysis. Perspectives on Power in Organizations Annual Review of ... Power is a critical resource for organizational actors. Given the profound importance of power to individual functioning it is essential to understand how some ... Human resource management - Wikipedia Human resource management (HRM or simply HR) is the management of human resources. It is a function in the organizations designed to maximize employee performance in ... Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change Home; Browse Journals & Books; Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change; Volume 1 Issue 2; Management accounting change and the changing roles of management ... Knowledge Management Enablers Processes and ... Knowledge Management Enablers Processes and Organizational Performance: An Integrative View and Empirical Examination APROS APROS/EGOS Symposium 02: Digitally Disrupted Spaces. Presenters: Kristine Dery University of Sydney Australia Clare Kelliher Cranfield University United Kingdom Kurt Lewin and the Planned Approach to Change: A Re ... Abstract. abstract The work of Kurt Lewin dominated the theory and practice of change management for over 40 years. However in the past 20 years Lewin's approach to ... Read our featured insights McKinsey & Company Featured. McKinsey Global Institute Our mission is to help leaders in multiple sectors develop a deeper understanding ... Guidelines on Multicultural Education Training Research ... APA Guidelines on Multicultural Education Training Research Practice and Organizational Change for Psychologists Employee / Organizational Communications Institute for ... Dr. Bergers article outlines the subject of employee/organizational communication describing its importance and basic internal communication processes networks ... Project management - Wikipedia Project management is the discipline of initiating planning executing controlling and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific ...
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